Alert! Alert!

Someone hacked the Safe Deposit Box!
How can you make it more secure?
Build this Super Safe Deposit Box.

New version: bigger, stronger, safer!
If you have enough time, build your own design!
Try this program.

Play the program to figure out how your Super Safe Deposit Box works.
First, the safe will lock.
Press the Left Button on the Hub to unlock it.
You only have five seconds to press the Left Button!
It’s time to add another layer of security.

Add a compound condition to your program.
Make it so that your Super Safe Deposit Box only opens when the dial has been turned more than 180 degrees OR the Right Button is pressed.
Now change the ‘OR’ to ‘AND’.

Compare the security of the 2 programs.
Which is the safer program?
Make it your own.

Create your own secret sequence using compound conditions and have someone else try to unlock your Super Safe Deposit Box.
Think about how you did.

What did you do well? Is there something that you could have done better?
Congratulations! Hackerproof.