Take a moment to answer these questions.

- What will happen to your speed as you go up a hill?
- What type of energy do you gain as you’re going up a hill?
- What must you do in order to maintain a constant energy level when you’re cycling?
- Why do you think this is the case?
Let’s build you, on a smart bike!

- Done! I've built my bike.
Give your bike a go.

- My bike is moving forwards and recording values.
- I can see my graph.
Answer This Question - Why isn't the angle (blue line) read by the Hub "0"?
Let's go uphill!

- I can see my new graph.
- I can answer these questions:
- How would you describe what's happening to the motor's power as the bike goes uphill?
- Looking at the graph, where can you see that your bike is gaining potential energy?
Try to make the incline as steep possible to better see the difference in power consumption.
Repeat with a different slope. Make a prediction!

- I've created my path.
- I've made my estimation graph.
- I was able to record my data and verify my graph.
Communicate Your Results

How would you summarise your experiment?
- Can you describe one way to gain potential energy?
Nice work in the field!