Free Throw
Watch the Game
- Which forces do you see when the player scores a free throw in the video?
- Which force(s) makes the ball move?
- Which force makes the ball come back down?
- What is a ‘three-pointer’?

Build the Court
- Building instructions book ‘B’, pages 20 - 38

Give it a go!
Experiment 1:
- Set the pivot position to ‘1’, throw distance to ‘2’ and basket height to ‘1’ on the blue numbered tiles.
- Try to score!
- Record your result on the graph on your Student Worksheet.
- Now turn the crank to increase the throw distance to positions 4, 6 and 8.
- Try to score. Record your scores in the table.
Find the pattern!
Experiment 2:
- Change the height of the basket and the throw distance to position 2. Try to score.
- Record your score on the Student Worksheet.
- Now turn the crank to increase the throw distance to positions 4, 6 and 8.
- Record your scores.
- What did you see?
- Now raise the basket to position 3 and do the experiment again.
What did you see?
- Which forces did you observe?
- Did you see any patterns?