Make a fun Cannon Game
Create a fun cannon game to Mr. Parker’s booth.

What can you see?
Show the children the Maker Connect illustrationof Mr. Parkers cannon game booth.
Discuss the things that you can see and how you might help Mr. Parkers make a fun cannon game for his booth.
Ask the children if they have ever see a cannon game booth (or shooting galleria)?
Talk about the different LEGO bricks and other materials you could use to help Mr. Parker make a fun cannon game for his booth.

Go Make
Encourage the children to thinker with the elements to see if any one sparks their interest and creativity.
Consider asking questions like:
- How can you make it safe for Mr. Parker and the guests?
- Will some targets be easy and some more difficult to hit?
- Can guests score points or will they win a prizes?
Show and Tell
Ask the children to take turns telling about the models they have made.
Consider asking questions like:
- What do you call the model you have built?
- How does your cannon game work?
- What does Mr. Parker do when guests comes and tries the game?
- How have you made it safe and fun for Mr. Parker?
Teacher Support
Children will:
- Approach tasks, activities, and play in ways that show creative problem solving.
- Use multiple means of communication to creatively express thoughts, feelings, or ideas.
- Use imagination with materials to create stories or works of art.
STEAM Park Set (45024)
Maker Connect illustration
The LEGO Education Maker (design) Process
Maker Assessment
Craft Materials (e.g. construction paper, string, rubber bands, feathers, glitter, sticky tape)
Standard alignment to the 21st Century Skills Early Learning Framework:
- Creativity and Innovation
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Initiative and Self-Direction
- Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
- Productivity and Accountability
- Leadership and Responsibility
- Information Literacy