- WeDo - FAQs & Troubleshooting
Product Lifecycle Questions
Will WeDo 1.0 still be available beyond 2017?
No, LEGO® Education WeDo 1.0 will not be available from LEGO Education after December 31, 2017. However, local distributors will sell WeDo 1.0 as long as stocks last and LEGO Education will continue to provide support through our customer service and tech support teams for an additional 2 years.
Will LEGO Education stop supporting WeDo 1.0 by the end of 2017?
LEGO® Education will honor any warranty that is still valid after 2017 for replacement parts. Anything without a warranty beyond 2017, we cannot guarantee a replacement. As long as LEGO Education has WeDo 1.0 replacement parts in stock, we can continue to supply solutions to faulty equipment. However, WeDo 1.0 will no longer be manufactured in 2018 and our replacement supply will not be replenished. Once the replacement supply is exhausted, there will be no more WeDo 1.0 replacement support. LEGO Education will no longer promote, sell, or gain new users of WeDo 1.0 as of December 31, 2017.
Will the price of the current WeDo 1.0 be lowered as it gets closer to the end of 2017?
LEGO® Education has no plans to lower the price of WeDo 1.0 as we phase out this product as of December 31, 2017. However, special conditions or prices by region may vary. Contact your local distributor for more details.
We do not encourage new purchases of WeDo 1.0 sets since replacement parts will eventually run out of stock. We will not develop any new components, experiences, curriculum or content for the WeDo 1.0 platform. WeDo 2.0 is an investment for the future with continued product growth and you will receive a better and fuller experience with updated support and continued enhancements.
Will WeDo 1.0 continue to be compatible with WeDo 2.0?
No, WeDo 1.0 is not backward compatible with WeDo 2.0.
I just bought a whole classroom set of WeDo 1. Can I trade it in for WeDo 2.0 and pay the difference in cost?
LEGO® Education does not have a trade-in program. However, please know you have made a very good investment in WeDo 1.0. WeDo 1.0 will continue to be a relevant classroom experience for many years and will be supported under existing warrantees.
I am considering purchasing WeDo 1.0 in 2017 – should I continue this purchase or invest in WeDo 2.0?
LEGO® Education recommends investing in WeDo 2.0 due to the continued product growth in 2018 and beyond. Compared to WeDo 1.0, WeDo 2.0 is a very intuitive learning experience and easier to get started with building and programming robots. The WeDo 2.0 system offers increased possibilities with a powerful WeDo hub, sensors, new curriculum material and an app.
WeDo 1.0 is being discontinued and replacement parts will eventually run out of stock. We are no longer manufacturing WeDo 1.0 in 2018. We will not develop any new components, experiences, curriculum or content for the WeDo 1.0 platform. WeDo 2.0 is an investment for the future with continued product growth, and you will receive a fuller and better experience with updated support and continued enhancements.
Comparison between WeDo 1.0 and WeDo 2.0
General Questions
What is WeDo?
The WeDo Activity Pack enables teachers to provide learning opportunities for developing these broader learning goals:
- Think creatively to make a working model
- Develop vocabulary and communication skills to explain how the model works
- Establish links between cause and effect
- Reflect on how to find answers and imagine new possibilities
- Brainstorm ideas and endeavor to bring some of them to fruition
- Make fair tests by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect
- Make systematic observations and measurements
- Display and communicate data using tables
- Follow 2D drawings to build a 3D model
- Think logically and create a program to produce a specific behavior
- Write and present creative stories using models for visual and dramatic effects.
How is the curriculum material structured?
There are mainly 3 types of projects you can do:
Exploration of the functionality: 20 short to the point exercise to understand the basic functions of the mechanism, motors and sensors, and programming sequence.
Model based activities: 12 models are provided with the base set with full detailed activities based on the 4C structure. Every of these activities will cover a specific topic and will lead to learning in science, engineering, and literacy.
Collaboration projects: by combining models together, student can share and collaborate on a bigger task. 4 themes have been developed to create those open ended situations: amazing mechanism, wild animals, Play soccer, Adventure stories.
How do I structure my instructions?
You don't need to have strong programming skills to implement a WeDo project. The software and the activities are design to be an introduction to the world of programming. The students will need your guidance skills to help them solve their problems..
Can these sets be integrated into every day lessons or just for supplementary activities?
All the LEGO Education WeDo activities can be integrated in your day to day lessons. This has not been developed to be an extra task for you to accomplish. You can use a WeDo activity as a starter, a core activity or a conclusion to something you already do in your classroom.
How much time does an activity take?
An activity is intended to last from 45 min to 90 min. The duration will depend on the choice you make on the production you can ask the students to do (writing, photo document, video, story, etc...). Building is an important part of the hand-on experience.
What do I need to buy?
Typically, you would need a basic set for a group of 2 students. You would need also the software, with which the teacher guide will be delivered. For a classroom implementation, you should consider a site license for the software. This would enable you to install the software all the computers of your school.
Where can I buy the sets?
Visit the Find Local Distributor section of this website to find dealers in your region.
What languages is the LEGO Education WeDo Software available in?
Languages available include English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
What languages is the LEGO Education WeDo activity material available in?
The activity guide is available in Danish, English, Spanish, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, and Japanese.
How does the curriculum meet the educational standards?
The process of students’ actively building, programming, investigating, writing, and communicating benefits their development in numerous ways. The opportunity to integrate subject matter across the curriculum in projects provides a range of contexts for applying concepts, learning new skills, and broadening interests. Specific subject matter is also addressed in the activities. A curriculum grid is provided in the activity pack..
What subjects does the curriculum link into?
Trace the transmission of motion and transfer of energy through the machine. Identify the simple machines mechanisms at work in the models, including levers, gears, and pulleys. Become familiar with complex motion using a cam, worm gear, and crown gear. Understand that friction can affect the movement of the model. Understand and discuss criteria for a fair test. Consider the needs of living animals.
Program and create a working model. Interpret 2D and 3D illustrations and models. Understand that animals use parts of their bodies as tools. Compare natural systems with mechanical systems. Use software media to acquire information. Demonstrate the knowledge and operation of digital tools and technological systems.
Build, program, and test the models. Modify a model’s behavior by changing the mechanical system or by adding a sensor to provide feedback. Brainstorm to find creative alternative solutions. Learn to share ideas and work together.
Measure time in seconds and tenths of a second. Estimate and measure the distance in centimeters or inches. Understand the concept of randomness. Compare the diameter and rotational speed. Understand and use numbers to represent the type of sounds played and the amount of time the motor turns on. Understand and use the distance between an object and to activate the motion sensor. Understand how the position of the model is measured by the tilt sensor. Understand and use numbers to measure and score qualitative characteristics.
Communicate in spoken or written forms using appropriate vocabulary. Prepare and deliver a demonstration using a model. Use interview questions to find out information and write a story. Write a script with a dialogue. Write a logical sequence of events and create a story including main characters and dramatizing with visual and sound effects. Use technology to create and communicate ideas. Participate as knowledgeable, reflective members of the group and class.
How do I keep track of all the parts / classroom management?
The students should use the cover of the box to place their parts when building, preventing them to fall on the ground. After your project, make sure the students use the element survey cardboard to sort their parts.
Software Questions
The software does not work properly. What can I do?
Not working properly” can refer to different problems. Are you able to install the software? Are you able to launch the software? Are you able to download a program to your WeDo robot?
Check out the Software Updates & Patches page.
If you don’t find the solution, please try to reach your local consumer service.
Does the software also work with Windows Vista?
Does the software also work with the Apple Mac?
Yes, v10.5 or higher.
Our system Firewall blocks the WeDo Software and prevents it from launching, what can we do?
To allow WeDo software through your firewall go to your firewall program and find your exception list. You should be allowed to add exceptions to your list. Browse the WeDo.exe file and add it. Your firewall help file should be able to give you detailed instructions.
Can I lock the WeDo Background (canvas)?
Yes, you can change the default setting and “lock” the canvas so that it doesn’t move. To change the Canvas Lock INI token follow this procedure:
- Open the WeDo.ini file located at:
On XP -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\LEGO Creations\WeDo
On Windows Vista and Windows 7 -> C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEGO Creations\WeDo
On Mac -> /Users/Shared/LEGO Creations/WeDo
- In the INI file add the following lines at the end:
- Save and close the file. Canvas will now be locked in WeDo If you re-open the WeDo.ini file and change the value of Canvas Lock from True to False, canvas scrolling will be enabled. For the changes in the INI file to take effect you will have to restart WeDo.
Can I name my project?
To name your project, move your cursor over the word project in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The cursor will turn to a “T” allowing you to type what you would like to call your project. If you do not name it yourself the name will be ‘project’ and a number.
Can I share programming strings with computers using different software versions?
Yes, but if the programming string includes the light block it can only be used on computers with software version 1.2.
How can we install WeDo software on a system without a CD drive?
Copy the contents of the CD to a USB stick or a Network drive, navigate to the WeDo folder and double click the “LEGOEducationWeDo.exe” file; then follow the on screen instructions.
How do I CLOSE the program down?
To close the program down, place your cursor over the title in the upper right hand side of the screen and click. Now you can click on a red cross which will close down your program.
How do I save my projects and where are they located?
Projects are saved automatically with the file name that is in the title box in the upper right hand corner. The default location for the saved files is: My Documents/LEGO creations/WeDo/projects
How do I STOP a running program?
To stop running a program, click the red square which is located on the bottom right hand side of the screen.
How do I type in the text box?
Drag your cursor over a text box. The cursor will turn into a “T”, now you can type.
How does the microphone work as a sensor?
You can program your model to react when a loud sound is heard; for instance counting every time you clap your hands.
I have installed the software, but the Activity Pack is in English and not the same language as the software.
The Activity Pack is not available in all languages. If the software is installed in a language that the Activity Pack is not available in, it will by default install the Activity Pack in English.
My Sound #1 no longer plays or plays a different sound. What happened?
When you record a personal sound it overwrites sound #1. To get the default sound back you just have to open a new project. The recorded sound will always be in the same project, you will have to reinstall LEGO Education WeDo Software, or rerecord your own personal sound. You can only record one personal sound per project.
There are programming blocks for lights, but no physical lights in the set?
The Power Function lights are supplementary and can be purchased from your local LEGO Education distributor.
What are the differences between software version 1.1 and 1.2?
Performance improvements including light block in the programming tools, Support for Windows 7 and Snow Leopard, as well as activity material integrated in the software.
What is the microphone for?
The microphone can be used for 2 purposes: first, it allows users to record custom sounds to play in their programs; second, it allows users to use the microphone as a sound sensor.
Why does the cursor turn to a “T” over the text box?
This indicates that you are able to begin typing.
What is the maximum amount of characters I can enter in the text box and bubble?
You can type up to 100 characters in the text box and bubble.
Can I record my own sound?
At all time you can record you own sound. Press the red circle on the top left of the screen to record a max 20 sec sound. Use the sound no 1 to recall your recording.
I have installed the LEGO Education WeDo Software, but the head icon is still not active. What can I do now?
This is because the WeDo.ini file is corrupted or your My Documents folder isn’t in a default location due to your network set up. Locate your WeDo.ini file and delete it, the default location will be different from PC operating systems and Mac operating systems, it’s best to use your search tool.
How do I find the activity menu?
Click on the yellow LEGO brick on the top left hand side of the computer screen. To find the activity menu click on the head in the upper left hand corner. If the Activity Pack has been installed the head will be yellow and can now be accessed.
How do I find and install the Teacher's Guide?
If you have software v. 1.1 you have to install the Teacher’s Guide from the Activity Pack CD-ROM. If you have software v. 1.2 you have to mark the Teacher’s Guide when installing. We recommend that you copy the Activity Pack into your local hard drive. We also recommend that you print it and keep it in a binder to use as a resource book.
Where are the Building Instructions located?
The building instructions are located on the Activity Pack CD-ROM (Version 1.1) and on the WeDo software 1.2 DVD and can be accessed by opening the activity that you want to build.
Hardware Questions
Are the Sensors and Motors from LEGO MINDSTORMS Education compatible with LEGO Education WeDo products?
No, LEGO MINDSTORMS Education Sensors and Motors are not compatible with the LEGO Education WeDo Construction Set.
How many Motors or Sensors can you add to a project?
You can use a maximum of 2 motors and 2 sensors per LEGO USB hubs at the same time. You can also use a maximum of three LEGO USB Hubs (6 motors or sensors) at the same time.
The Tilt Sensor indicator is not accurate in some cases, what can I do?
Due to the mechanics of the Tilt Sensor, vibrations can sometimes affect the sensitivity of the Tilt Sensor. If you experience this, we suggest that you try building a model with the Tilt Sensor isolated from the Motor vibrations.
What does the Motion Sensor do?
The Motion Sensor detects objects within a range of 15 centimeters depending on the design of the object.
What does the Motor do?
The Motor can be programmed to turn this way or that way and to move at different power levels. Axles or other LEGO elements can be attached to the motor.
What does the Tilt Sensor do?
The Tilt Sensor reports the direction it is tilted. The Tilt Sensor detects changes within six different positions: Tilt This Way, Title That Way, Tilt Up, Tilt Down, No tilt and any tilt (shake).
Installing on networks
How to use this file
To run this installer in quiet mode:
Edit the information below to match your company information and install location.
Run : setup.exe [path to this file] /q /AcceptLicenses yes. Passing the value "yes" to the /AcceptLicenses parameter indicates that you agree with the license agreements. Alternatively,= instead of /q, /qb can be used to run the installer in basic UI mode.
The installer will automatically restart your system after the installation is done. To prevent the restart use the command line : setup.exe [path to this file] /r:n /q /AcceptLicenses yes
Please visit the following page for more information:
Set user information
If the SerialNo key exists but its value is empty, and the installer support an evaluation mode, then an evaluation mode will be selected by default.
Set feature states
The valid feature states are: Local, Absent, NoChange, Default
Local - Install it (on the local hard drive). If already installed leave it installed.
Absent - Do not install it. If already installed uninstall it.
NoChange - Do not install it. If already installed, leave it installed.
Default is equivalent to not listing the feature in this file. The feature follows its default behavior.
Set install directories
To use the default paths, remove the following section