The Guided Mission
Play the game!

Have you ever watched a sport played with special equipment?
Name 3 sports that use special equipment.
Modify the robot.

You’ll need a Driving Base with a Dozer Blade to solve the mission.
Build these modifications to the robot.
Visit the building instructions page for inspiration.
Set up the game field.

Make sure the Boccia Share model is placed correctly on the FIRST LEGO League game field.
Don’t forget to use Dual Lock to secure the model to the mat.
Program and go!

Play this program and see what it does.
Make sure you start with your Driving Base in the right position.
What’s next?

Use your new skills to get to another mission model.
Don’t forget to decompose the challenges you saw in the video. Break them down into smaller parts.
- Position the Driving Base.
- Follow the line.
- Get close to the mission model.
- Activate the mission model.
Use My Blocks to help you manage the program.
Think about how you did.

What did you do well? Is there anything you could’ve done better?
Now you’re ready for your next mission!