Initiate Launch
Get ready for launch!

A rocket going to Mars has to reach an escape velocity of over 11 km/s to escape Earth’s gravity, and then embark on the journey to Mars, which takes about 200 days.
How are rockets launched into space?
All pre-flight checks have been conducted!

Start the launch sequence by pressing the launch button, and prepare to bring the first crew to explore Mars! Make sure that your Rocket reaches escape velocity.
Think about ways the robot could launch your Rocket to activate the Mars Outpost.
Brainstorm ideas for solving the mission.

You can split the main task into smaller subtasks, and brainstorm on questions like:
- What are some ways the robot could navigate to the launch site?
- Which type of motorized mechanism can be used to press the launch button?
Build, program, and test your robot.

Continue working on your robot until you’re ready to complete the mission.

Achievement Badges
The four levels of badges you can earn for this mission are:
Platinum Badge
Your Rocket has started its journey to Mars and the outpost is activated! You also went beyond the mission requirements by adding features to your design. Great job!
Gold Badge
Congratulations! Your Rocket has started its journey to Mars and the outpost is activated. It’s time to celebrate your success. Well done!
Silver Badge
You’ve launched your Rocket and it’s reached Mars but you didn’t succeed in activating the outpost. You’ll have to live in your landing vehicle while you figure out what to do next. The important thing is that you’re safe!
Bronze Badge
Well, your Rocket launched as planned but no part of it reached Mars. With a bit of luck, we can bring you back into Earth’s orbit. For now, you’ll have to sit tight and be patient. Thanks for a solid effort!
Go for it!

Set up your robot in the base area and send it out for a judged attempt at this mission.
Mission Rules
Remember to follow these rules when you attempt to complete the mission:
- Your robot must always start the mission from the base area.
- Your robot must leave the base area before carrying out the mission.
- A “successful robot return” occurs when any part of the robot crosses over any part of the base area line.
- You’re not allowed to touch your robot while it’s outside of the base area.
- If you touch your robot while it’s completely outside of the base area and it’s holding an object, the object must be returned to its original position and you must begin the mission again.
How did you do?

Which badge did you get? If you have time, you can try again to get a better result.
Your Rocket is on its way to Mars and the outpost has been activated! Congratulations!