How cool is this?

Here’s a fun way to cut a dog's hair!
Can you use the same process to make your mornings easier? More fun?
Think how you wake up, make and eat breakfast, and get to school. There’s gotta be something you wish was easier!
Get your Hub.

You’ll use it as a countdown clock.
You’ve got 3 minutes to generate ideas… go!

Think about what you’d like to improve about your mornings and how you could do it.
Play the program when you’re ready.
Press the left button on the Hub to activate a 3 minute countdown and on the right button for a 5 minute countdown.
Now, you have 5 minutes to take it further.

Make a few sketches and use the bricks to roughly build your idea.
Make sure to explore all of your ideas. Don’t evaluate anything. Ideas that seem useless at first could spark new ones.
Alright, you’ve got 5 minutes to share your ideas.

Describe your ideas to your teammates.
Ask each other clarifying (but not judgmental) questions.
You’ve got 5 minutes to discuss and choose best idea.

Discuss, improve, and rule out ideas.
Agree on one idea you’ll explore further as a team.
Now you have 5 minutes to make a mock-up.

Use the LEGO bricks to build your idea.
It doesn’t have to be fully working, but it should help you communicate your idea.
Ready? Present your idea in 3 minutes!

Record a video explaining what you’ve been working on.
Make sure to include your whole team, even the camera-shy ones!
Think about how you did.

What did you do well? Is there something you could’ve done better?
Use this method anytime you want to generate ideas and improve your creativity!