Are you good at logical games?

Name some ways that playing games can help maintain and improve your memory.

Build this brain game.


Meet the Game Master. It’ll read the colors of the candy stick bricks you feed into it!

If you have time, build your own design.

Player 1, where’s your red brick?

SPIKE Life Hacks Braingame Step03-Program - en

Play this program. It’ll use an array to detect the position of the red brick in the first candy stick. 

Red is given the number value 9.

An array is like a one-column table with multiple rows.

Your Game Master will eat the candy stick and spit it out. Then it’ll display position of the red brick on the Light Matrix.

If you place the red brick at the bottom of your candy stick, the Game Master will detect it and congratulate you.


Player 2, where’s your red brick?

  • Assemble player 2’s candy stick (now you should have 2 different candy sticks).
  • Program the Game Master to eat players 2's candy stick when the Right Button is pressed.
  • Program the Game Master to display player 2's red brick’s position on the Light Matrix.
  • Use one array for each candy stick in your program.

Is it in the same position?

Shuffle the 2 candy sticks.

Create a program that’ll play a sound if the red bricks are in the same position in each of the stacks of bricks.

Explore different ways to use “IF ELSE” conditional statements.

For example:

SPIKE Life Hacks Braingame Step05-Program - en

Play a code breaking game!

Shuffle both candy sticks again.

Create a program that’ll tell you when all the color positions of both candy stick bricks match.

Check the hint for the rules of the game.

Here are the rules:

  • Player 1 feeds a candy stick to the Game Master, who records the sequence of colors in an array.
  • Player 2 feeds another candy stick to Game Master, who records the sequence of colors in a second array.
  • The program compares the 2 arrays and lights up the rows where the colors of 2 candy sticks match. 
  • Player 2 can reorder their candy stick again to try and match the order of player 1’s candy stick.
  • The values for the colors are: Violet = 1, Blue = 3, Green = 5, Yellow = 7, Red = 9.

Check out these programs for inspiration:

SPIKE Life Hacks Braingame Step06-Program - en

Think about how you did.


What did you do well? Is there something you could’ve done better?

Wow! that was a mind-blowing life hack!