Take a moment to answer these questions.

  • What are some ways of determining whether or not a movement is precise?
  • How could you graph values to represent real-life movement?

Build a smart yoga ring.

  • Done! I've built my yoga ring.

Practice one yoga move.

SPIKE Prime Science Stretch with data - STEP03 - en-us
  • I'm doing my first move with my yoga ring.
  • I can see the data on the line graph.
  • I can match the data on the red line.

Practice another yoga move.

  • I change the plotted value from pitch to roll.
  • I'm doing my second move with my yoga ring.
  • I can match the new data on the red line.

Follow the graph.

  • I've adjusted my program to graph 2 values.
  • I've tried to follow the graph.
  • I answer these questions:
    • How precise were my movements?
    • Why were they precise or not?

This is how your graph could look like:

SPIKE Prime Science Stretch with data - STEP05 - en

How well did you do?

  • How would you summarize your experiment?
  • In your own words, explain pitch, roll, and yaw.
  • How much have you tested your yoga ring for precision? What did you do?

Looking good!