Educator Summary For:

Professional Development Program Micro-Credentials

For successful completion of one or more courses of competency-based professional development focused on STEAM Concepts, 21st Century Skills, Pedagogy or Classroom Management

STEAM Concepts
21st Century Skills

STEAM Concepts

Facilitating Computer Science Learning

Develop students' computational thinking, decomposition skills, and coding ability.

This micro-credential recognizes successful completion of a self-guided, digital Learning Quest that includes:
Learn the Strategies: Featured teachers share their experiences, thinking, and high-leverage teacher moves. Teachers view video of the featured educators making their thinking visible with real students.
Notice the Strategies: Teachers develop the skill of noticing best practices in order to improve their own instruction. They watch, notice, and analyze what's happening in the classroom.
Apply the Strategies: Teachers practice the strategies in a new context related to their own classroom teaching.
Next Steps: Learners complete Next Steps to self-assess and consolidate their learning.

After completing the course, teachers can:
• identify characteristics and benefits of computer science learning.
• support students' creation and modification of code to solve problems.
• support students as they decompose problems into subproblems.
• support students as they debug to identify and fix problems.

Facilitating Engineering Design Learning

Develop students' computational thinking, decomposition skills, and coding ability.

This micro-credential recognizes successful completion of a self-guided, digital Learning Quest that includes:
Learn the Strategies: Featured teachers share their experiences, thinking, and high-leverage teacher moves. Teachers view video of the featured educators making their thinking visible with real students.
Notice the Strategies: Teachers develop the skill of noticing best practices in order to improve their own instruction. They watch, notice, and analyze what's happening in the classroom.
Apply the Strategies: Teachers practice the strategies in a new context related to their own classroom teaching.
Next Steps: Learners complete Next Steps to self-assess and consolidate their learning.

After completing the course, teachers can:
• identify characteristics and benefits of computer science learning.
• support students' creation and modification of code to solve problems.
• support students as they decompose problems into subproblems.
• support students as they debug to identify and fix problems.

Facilitating Science Learning

Make the classroom a place where students think like scientists, develop sound experimental practices, and see themselves as explorers and experimenters.

This micro-credential recognizes successful completion of a self-guided, digital Learning Quest that includes:
Learn the Strategies: Featured teachers share their experiences, thinking, and high-leverage teacher moves. Teachers view video of the featured educators making their thinking visible with real students.
Notice the Strategies: Teachers develop the skill of noticing best practices in order to improve their own instruction. They watch, notice, and analyze what's happening in the classroom.
Apply the Strategies: Teachers practice the strategies in a new context related to their own classroom teaching.
Next Steps: Learners complete Next Steps to self-assess and consolidate their learning.

After completing the course, teachers can:
• identify characteristics and benefits of scientific investigation.
• facilitate students' application of scientific principles to investigate and experiment.
• guide students in asking questions to identify, clarify, and evaluate data.
• support students in developing and refining methods to generate data for testing.

21st Century Skills

Facilitating Creative and Critical Thinking

Help students generate ideas creatively and to analyze/evaluate their own thinking.

This micro-credential recognizes successful completion of a self-guided, digital Learning Quest that includes:
Learn the Strategies: Featured teachers share their experiences, thinking, and high-leverage teacher moves. Teachers view video of the featured educators making their thinking visible with real students.
Notice the Strategies: Teachers develop the skill of noticing best practices in order to improve their own instruction. They watch, notice, and analyze what's happening in the classroom.
Apply the Strategies: Teachers practice the strategies in a new context related to their own classroom teaching.
Next Steps: Learners complete Next Steps to self-assess and consolidate their learning.

After completing the course, teachers can:
• identify key characteristics and benefits of creative and critical thinking.
• demonstrate strategies that ensure students generate ideas and think creatively.
• encourage students to share and reflect on their solutions.
• use strategies that develop students' capacity to use both creative and critical thinking to solve problems.


Facilitating Project-Based Learning

Facilitate project-based learning effectively by supporting students in developing real-life aplications, building understanding, and working in manageable steps while completing an open-ended project.

This micro-credential recognizes successful completion of specified elements in a Facilitated Competency-Based Course that includes.
Define Excellence: Teachers respond to video, analyze examples using LEGO Education instructional design frameworks, and share their own experiences to describe excellence in teaching and learning using SPIKE™ Prime.
Notice the Strategies: Teachers analyze the instructional design of a unit, adapting it for their teaching and learning context. They observe and analyze high-leverage instructional moves during an expert-facilitated model lesson, noticing best practices.
Apply the Strategies: Teachers practice the strategies through scenario-based challenges, collaborative lesson and unit planning, and teach-backs with peer and expert feedback.
Next Steps: Teachers self-assess and consolidate their learning.

After completing the course, teachers can:
• identify key characteristics and benefits of project-based learning.
• guide students in developing real-life applications that connect to prior learning and other curricula.
• check for understanding before, during, and at the conclusion of lessons.
• chunk and sequence learning into manageable and cohesive parts that lead to a final project.

Courses offered:
Facilitating Playful Project-Based Learning with BricQ Motion Essential

Facilitating Learning through Play

Support students during project-based learning with strategies that facilitate playful learning and productive experimentation.

This micro-credential recognizes successful completion of specified elements in a Facilitated Competency-Based Course that includes.
Define Excellence: Teachers respond to video, analyze examples using LEGO Education instructional design frameworks, and share their own experiences to describe excellence in teaching and learning.
Notice the Strategies: Teachers analyze the instructional design of a unit, adapting it for their teaching and learning context. They observe and analyze high-leverage instructional moves during an expert-facilitated model lesson, noticing best practices.
Apply the Strategies: Teachers practice the strategies through scenario-based challenges, collaborative lesson and unit planning, and teach-backs with peer and expert feedback.
Next Steps: Teachers self-assess and consolidate their learning.

After completing the course, teachers can:
• identify key characteristics and benefits of learning through play.
• create a learning environment that encourages play and productive experimentation.
• enable students' capacity to learn by iterating and modifying their ideas.
• adjust STEAM instruction to incorporate key aspects of learning through play.

Courses offered:
• Facilitating Playful Project-Based Learning with BricQ Motion Essential