Machines & Mechanisms Curriculum content
Everything you need to start STEM learning using the Machines & Mechanisms solutions for both elementary and middle school. All curriculum packs offer full teacher support, including STEM materials, student-ready resources, building instructions, and assessment tools. For help with getting started visit the support section.
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Maker Activity Pack for Middle School
This download requires the Simple & Powered Machines (9686) set. The Maker activity pack provides 12 activities and supporting materials for teachers, including detailed briefs, design process support and integrated self-assessment rubrics for pupils. As they complete these 12 activities, secondary school pupils will define problems, plan their designs and become confident innovators.

Maker Activity Pack for Elementary School
This download requires the Simple Machines (9689) set. The Maker activity pack provides 12 activities and supporting materials for teachers, including detailed briefs, design process support, and integrated self-assessment rubrics for students. As they complete these 12 activities, elementary school students will define problems, plan their designs, and become confident innovators.

Introducing Simple & Powered Machines
This download requires the Simple & Powered Machines Set (9686). The "introductory" level curriculum pack provides 48 full lessons, extension activities, and problem-solving tasks to promote students' understanding of simple and powered machines. Includes teacher notes and student worksheets.

Activity Pack for Simple Machines
This download requires the Simple Machines Set (9689). Provides 20 activities to engage elementary students in investigating and understanding machines used in everyday life. Includes teacher notes and student worksheets.

Activity Pack for Renewable Energy Add-on Set
This download requires the Simple & Powered Machines Set (9686) and the Renewable Energy Add-on Set (9688). Provides 20 new lesson plans and problem-solving activities that explore major renewable energy sources. Includes teacher notes and student worksheets.

Activity Pack for Pneumatics
This download requires the Simple & Powered Machines Set (9686) and the Pneumatics Add-on Set (9641). Provides 12 new lesson plans and problem-solving activities that explore the application of pneumatics in real-life situations. Includes teacher notes and student worksheets.

Activity Pack for Early Simple Machines
This download requires the Early Simple Machines Set (9656). Provides 12 full lessons for kindergarteners and first-graders to learn how gears, levers, pulleys, wheels and axles work. Lessons provide early insights into science and engineering. Includes teacher notes and student worksheets.