MINDSTORM EV3 Curriculum content
In order to use the curriculum materials you need to have the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 software installed. These resources focus on students aged 10-16 with links to national curriculum standards. Includes student-ready resources, full teacher support, assessment tools, sample programs, and building instructions.
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EV3 Design Engineering Projects
Provides 30+ hours of classroom instruction and problem-solving activities focusing on STEM learning using real-life robotics. Each of the 15 activities begins with a design brief and ends with a final project that can be presented and shared. Integrates into the EV3 Software.

EV3 Space Challenge Curriculum
This download requires the EV3 Space Challenge Set (45570). Provides 30+ hours of classroom instruction and STEM learning. Includes challenge missions and research projects co-developed with space experts. Students will explore and create innovative solutions to current space exploration topics. Integrates into the EV3 Software.