ARROW_LEFTARROW_LEFT수업계획 으로 돌아가기Tech MachinesTech Machines1GRADUATE유치부기초 수학 및 과학, 기술PRINT인쇄SHARE공유수업Tech Machines1 (수업 1)Safety FirstTech MachinesIn this lesson children will start to use planning to solve problems, they will get an understanding of how safety elements function and explore the engineering process by designing, building, and testing models.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분초급유치부Tech Machines1 (수업 2)Wheeling AwayTech MachinesIn this lesson children will learn about the function of wheels, and use spatial awareness to understand how wheeled vehicles move.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분초급유치부Tech Machines1 (수업 3)Heavy Load!Tech MachinesThe objective of this lesson is for children to explore weight, compare objects and use comparative language.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분초급유치부Tech Machines1 (수업 4)Machines with a PurposeTech MachinesIn this lesson children will design machines or vehicles to solve problems, and build a model to demonstrate how tools help people to solve problems and accomplish tasks.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분중급유치부Tech Machines1 (수업 5)Park ProjectTech MachinesThe objective of this lesson is for children to design machines or vehicles to solve problems and to investigate how machines work together to complete a project.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분중급유치부Tech Machines1 (수업 6)Explore Special Machine PartsTech MachinesThe objective of this lesson is for children to use spatial awareness to understand how objects move, observe and describe special parts and functions. The children will build a model with a special part and demonstrate how it works.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분중급유치부Tech Machines1 (수업 7)Water VehiclesTech MachinesIn this lesson children will investigate water vehicles, compare types of vehicles and talk about the function of propellers and anchors.기초 수학 및 과학, 기술0-30분고급