Not in the US?

LEGO® Education solutions and resources are available through selected resellers in over 90 countries and regions.

At LEGO® Education we are proud to work with Authorized Resellers in the European Economic Area and Switzerland with proven educational expertise to ensure educators have a consistently high quality pre-sale and post-sale experience, and that LEGO Education learning products are effectively used to deliver locally applicable learning outcomes for children.

The services you can expect from a LEGO Education Authorized Reseller are:

  • Delivering LEGO Education resources in your local market;
  • Expertise and familiarity with the local curriculum and needs of educators in its Home Country;
  • Demonstrations, training sessions and workshops for LEGO Education’s solution offerings;
  • Pre-sale, post-sale and technical support services for LEGO Education resources;
  • Providing locally relevant teacher guides and lesson plans linked to curriculum requirements of its Home Country
  • Professional development and teacher training to educators in its Home Country;
  • Premises to display and demonstrate LEGO Education resources in a clean, safe, convenient and accessible location.
Positivo Tecnologia
R. João Bettega, 5200 - Cidade Industrial81350-000 Curitiba - PRBrazil 644 71 93
Santana Importação e Exportação
Rua Cesar Augusto Dalsoquio, 5001 - Sala 20C88311-500 Itajaí - SCBrasil 2099-9900
VIAMAKER Education
Rua Carolina Borghi, 151CEP 18090-080 Bairro Jardim Santa Rosália – Sorocaba, São PauloBrazil 15 3009-5050
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