Music - Animal Concert
With this lesson children will be able to recognize different animal sounds and be able to compose a simple melody using digital tools.


Ask the children if they know what sounds different animals make.
Have them try to imitate some of these sounds.
Pick a song about animals that is well-known to your class and sing and/or dance to it.
Tell the children that the safari bus is full of preschoolers today.
They’re going to a concert performed by forest animals!
Would you like to join them and meet all of the animal singers?

Build the safari bus and a train track (an O-shaped track is recommended).
Now experiment with the app.
Put the safari bus on the track and allow the children to explore the different functions of each button.
Place one action brick of each color on the track.
Have the children take turns using the app to “drive” the bus.
What happens after the bus passes each action brick?
Talk to the children about the sounds they’ve just heard.
Ask questions like:
- What did you hear when the bus went over the action bricks?
- Did you know those animal sounds?
- What animals did you hear? (Ask the children to build the animals they’ve named.)
Ask the children to place each animal next to its action brick.
Use the app to see if the sound matches the animals they have built.
Now you’re going to make your own animal concert!
Have the children place the action bricks in any order on the track to compose their own music!
Talk to the children about their composition.
Ask them what they’d like to express with their music (e.g., happiness, excitement, nice weather).
Encourage the children to sing and dance to their music.
Stuffed animals or similar toys can be used as props for their performance.
Evaluate the children’s skills development by observing if they’re:
- Asking “what would happen if” questions
- Identifying cause and effect relationships
- Making predictions
- Correctly sequencing numbers or events
- Designing and expressing ideas using digital tools and technology
- Expressing thoughts, ideas, and opinions to others
More Ideas
Use this lesson’s format to create lessons for the Music Band in the app. Involve different
instruments in the Engage phase discussion and explore more interesting sounds with your
For a more challenging music lesson, try Are you sleeping Brother John?
- Investigate the melody of each action brick.
- Sequence the action bricks to match the song.
- Compose a new song by remixing the action bricks.

Öğretmen Desteği
Children will:
- Understand that the action bricks’ behavior can be changed using the app
- Be able to recognize different animal sounds
- Be able to compose a simple melody using digital tools
For up to four children
Coding Express (45025)
Coding Express App
Each lesson has been developed using the science, math and technology guidelines from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the 21st Century Early Learning framework (P21) and Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework.
The learning goals listed at the end of each lesson can be used to determine whether or not each child is developing the relevant early math skills. These bullet points target specific skills or pieces of information that are practiced or presented during each lesson.