ARROW_LEFTARROW_LEFTBack to lessons plansCoding Express SetCoding ExpressGRADUATEReception-Year 1STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and SciencePRINTPrintSHAREShareLessonsCoding Express (Lesson 1)First TripCoding Express SetThis getting started activity will allow the children to explore the action bricks and different bricks in the set.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.BeginnerReception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 2)Train SoundCoding Express SetIn this lesson students will understand the function of each action bricks and how to use them to solve problems.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.BeginnerReception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 3)O-Shaped Track – LoopingCoding Express SetThe objective of this lesson is for children to explore and understand use of the O-shaped track for repeating sequences.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.Intermed.Reception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 4)Y-Shaped Track - Conditional StatementsCoding Express SetIn this lesson students will explore and understand that the Y-shaped track provides options and be able to design and optimise solutions.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.Intermed.Reception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 5)Character - CaterpillarCoding Express SetThe objective with this lesson is for students to understand that the action bricks’ behavior can be changed using the app and with this activity recognise and understand different emotions.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.Intermed.Reception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 6)Music - Animal ConcertCoding Express SetWith this lesson children will be able to recognise different animal sounds and be able to compose a simple melody using digital tools.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.Intermed.Reception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 7)Journey - Trouble on the RoadCoding Express SetIn this lesson children will explore and understand various traffic signs and be able to solve common problems on the road.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.AdvancedReception-Year 1Coding Express (Lesson 8)Mathematics – DistanceCoding Express SetIn this lesson children will understand how to measure distance, be able to compare distances and be able to do simple mathematics.STEAM, Creative Exploration, Social Emotional Development, Early Maths and Science30-45 min.AdvancedReception-Year 1