Move Objects
Program the Driving Base to move and release the Cuboid.

Build It
Build the Driving Base model, the Medium Motor Module, and the Cuboid.

Test It
Recreate the program shown, then download and run to test. Make sure the Medium Motor Module is vertical before you start.
The model can be manually reset by lifting the Medium Motor Module by hand.

Program Summary
Medium Motor – Degrees[100], Power[-30]
Move Tank – Degrees[360], Power B[-50], Power C[0]
Medium Motor – Degrees[100], Power[30]
Modify It
Now it’s your turn! Modify the program to move objects of different shapes and sizes.
No sample program has been provided, as programs created by students will vary.
Use objects of different heights to make students experiment with controlling the Medium Motor Module.
What is next?

Teacher Support
Students will:
Program the Driving Base to move and release the Cuboid.