City Safety
Explore the different safety rules that are linked to city transportation and describe how some of them can be improved.

1. Preparation
(15-30 Minutes)
- Select a specific theme to talk about with your students. For example, you could focus specifically on truck safety in traffic situations.
- Decide how you would like to introduce this project. Find some videos to watch or information to read with your students. You could also take a virtual or actual field trip around your neighborhood or city. Have your students look for possible problems with current transportation (e.g., could a bus stop be made safer, could a traffic signal be improved, etc.).
- Define the elements that your students should consider as they develop their solutions (i.e., where and how do accidents happen, are there any statistics about these accidents, is there a safety device that could be improved, etc.).
- Determine the end result of this project. For example, define the parameters of your students’ presentations and the specific elements that they should include in their documents. Be precise about whether you would like the students’ solutions to be physical (using LEGO bricks), digital (using a program) or both.
2. Explore Phase
(30-60 Minutes)
Introduce your students to the subject and make sure they understand the problem they have to solve.
3. Create and Test Phase
(90-120 Minutes)
Build and program
Have your students build and program a device that can improve city safety.
Design Library inspiration:
Let your students plan, try and modify their solutions until they get to a point where they are happy with what they have done. In order to challenge some of the more advanced teams, introduce some constraints or have them explore more than one solution.
4. Share Phase
(45+ Minutes)
Make sure that your students document their work.
Use different ways in order to let your students share what they have learned and their reflections on these experiences.
Have your students create their final reports and present their projects.
Teacher Support
Students will:
Explore the different safety rules that are linked to city transportation and describe how some of them can be improved
Create and program a device to improve city safety
Test your program and show how safety has been improved with your device
Share your program and ideas