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LEGO® Education

SPIKE™ Prime

Try for Yourself

To fully understand and support your students’ needs during a LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime lesson, we encourage you to explore and work hands-on from a student’s perspective.

Motor & Sensor Tutorials

Introductory motor & sensor tutorials found in the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime App.

As a student or teacher who’s new to robotics, the motor & sensor tutorials are a great place to build confidence . . . while having fun! Find them in the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ App by selecting Start from the side menu.

Learning in Action

Students designing and testing their version of a critter that moves without wheels.

Experience Student Learning

View the lesson plan and try it yourself!


Standards-Based Lessons

In the Hopper Race lesson, student pairs design multiple prototypes to find the most effective way to move a robot without using wheels. In this lesson, your students will:

  • Define a problem with constraints and criteria

  • Optimize their solutions through systematic testing

  • Use and seek failure as a tool to improve their solutions

  • Pose meaningful and answerable scientific questions

  • Use data and evidence to support their conclusions

Standards Mapping

  • Next Generation Science Standards
    • MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.
  • Common Core
    • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.C Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.B.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational numbers.”]

Standards Mapping for Lessons

Play “Student”

Quickly scan the standards aligned to each unit and lesson – including alignment to NGSS, CSTA, and CCSS.

Bluetooth Connection Guide

Connecting to the SPIKE™ Prime Hub using Bluetooth

Just getting started with SPIKE™ Prime? The first step is connecting the SPIKE Prime Hub to your device.

Below you'll find detailed step-by-step instructions for all of the supported devices.

Android and ChromeOS

Connecting via Bluetooth

  1. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on in your device settings.

  2. Create or open a project in the SPIKE™ App.

  3. Click/tap the Hub icon on the Programming Canvas.

  1. Hold down the Center Button to turn on your Hub.
  1. Press your Hub’s Bluetooth Button to enable Bluetooth.
  1. Wait for your Hub to appear in the list of available Hubs. If your Hub is brand new, it’ll appear with the default name “LEGO Hub” until you give it a unique name.
  1. Click/tap the “Connect” button below your Hub to connect. For some devices and operating systems, you’ll have to approve the pairing.

That’s it! Your Hub will play a sound to let you know that you’ve successfully connected.

iOS and iPadOS

Connecting via Bluetooth

  1. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on in your device settings.

  2. Create or open a project in the SPIKE™ App.

  3. Click/tap the Hub icon on the Programming Canvas.strong text

  1. Hold down the Center Button to turn on your Hub.
  1. Press your Hub’s Bluetooth Button to enable Bluetooth.
  1. Wait for your Hub to appear in the list of accessories.

Initially, the Hub can appear as “Toy,” but it should eventually display as a LEGO® Hub. If your Hub is brand new, it’ll appear with the default name “LEGO Hub” until you give it a unique name.

  1. Click/tap on the name of your Hub to start connecting.

That’s it! Your Hub will play a sound to let you know that you’ve successfully connected.


Connecting via Bluetooth

  1. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on in your device settings.

  2. Create or open a project in the SPIKE™ App.

  3. Click/tap the Hub icon on the Programming Canvas.

  1. Hold down the Center Button to turn on your Hub.
  1. Press your Hub’s Bluetooth Button to enable Bluetooth.
  1. Wait for your Hub to appear in the list of Bluetooth devices. If your Hub is brand new, it’ll appear with the default name “LEGO Hub” until you give it a unique name.
  1. Click/tap the “Connect” button next to your Hub’s name to start connecting.

  2. Click/tap the “Select” button to confirm.

That’s it! Your Hub will play a sound to let you know that you’ve successfully connected.


Connecting via Bluetooth

  1. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on in your device settings.

  2. Create or open a project in the SPIKE™ App.

  3. Click/tap the Hub icon on the Programming Canvas.

  1. Hold down the Center Button to turn on your Hub.
  1. Press your Hub’s Bluetooth Button to enable Bluetooth.
  1. Wait for your Hub to appear in the list of available Hubs. If your Hub is brand new, it’ll appear with the default name “LEGO Hub” until you give it a unique name.
  1. Click/tap the “Connect” button below your Hub to connect.

  2. When you connect to a Hub for the first time, a Windows notification will appear, asking if you’d like to add the Hub as a device. Click on the notification and then allow the pairing.


That’s it! Your Hub will play a sound to let you know that you’ve successfully connected.