- MoreToMath - FAQs
MoreToMath Product Lifecycle Questions
Why is MoreToMath being discontinued?
These products are being discontinued due to the fact that MoreToMath did not meet the set expectations. However, LEGO® Education believes that current users of MoreToMath will be able to provide relevant teaching and learning experiences for many years to come.
Will MoreToMath be available beyond June 2017?
No, the exiting portfolios will not be available from LEGO Education after June 30, 2017. However, local distributors will sell MoreToMath as long as stocks last. LEGO Education will continue to provide support through our customer service and tech support for an additional 2 years.
Will LEGO Education stop supporting MoreToMath by the end of June 2017?
LEGO Education will honor any warranty that is still valid after June 30, 2017 for replacement parts. Anything without a warranty beyond June 30, 2017, we cannot guarantee a replacement. As long as LEGO Education has replacement parts in stock, we can continue to supply solutions to faulty equipment. However, MoreToMath will no longer be manufactured after June 30, 2017 and our replacement supply will not be replenished. Once the replacement supply is exhausted, there will be no more replacement support for these portfolios. LEGO Education will no longer promote, sell, or gain new users of MoreToMath as of June 30, 2017.
LEGO Education is no longer manufacturing MoreToMath after June 30, 2017 and will not develop any new components, experiences, curriculum or content for these portfolios.
How will LEGO Education ensure that teachers can continue to use the products from the portfolios?
LEGO Education will continue to offer ongoing service, technical and software support for 2 years after the exit until June 30, 2019. The support for software will be on existing operating systems only.
I just bought a whole classroom set of MoreToMath. Can I trade it for another product and pay the cost difference?
No, LEGO Education does not have a trade-in program.
Which MoreToMath products are being discontinued by June 30, 2017?
The following product will exit and will not be available for delivery after the exit date:
- 45210 - Core brick set 1-2 incl. MathBuilder software and curriculum pack
- 2000210 - Workshop kit 1-2
- 2000211 - Sample Set Snake
MoreToMath General Questions
What is LEGO Education MoreToMath 1-2?
LEGO Education MoreToMath 1-2 is a hands-on educational solution for 1st and 2nd grade that teaches mathematical problem solving by bridging to math facts. The MoreToMath Core Set 1-2, when used with the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2, enables students to learn and reinforce the eight practices of mathematical problem solving. By using the familiar LEGO brick and real world challenges students will feel encouraged and motivated to think, write and speak freely about math.
Who is the material for?
MoreToMath 1-2 is designed for elementary school teachers to teach students in 1st and 2nd grade, targeting the mathematics curriculum, including the mathematical practices and Common Core State Standards for Mathematics content objectives. The MoreToMath 1-2 solution is designed to develop students’ problem-solving abilities as well as their vocabulary, especially reading, thinking, listening, and speaking skills related to mathematical topics.
What comes with MoreToMath?
The complete MoreToMath solution includes:
MoreToMath Core Set 1-2:
- One set contains the LEGO elements needed for two students along with base plates, brick separators, and two LEGO mini-figures, the problem solvers Max and Mia.
- Building materials delivered in a storage bin with sorting tray and organization stickers.
MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2:
- 48 lessons that teach the eight practices of mathematical problem solving.
- Curriculum standards descriptions along with a learning grid that aligns activities to key national standards and objectives.
- Teacher’s notes, lesson plans, student worksheets, integrated assessment tools, and ideas for activity differentiation.
MathBuilder Interactive Whiteboard Software:
- This application helps to bring math lessons to life for the entire class, encouraging students to share their solutions with one another by re-building their solution models directly on the whiteboard.
- Includes all tasks from the forty-eight lessons, the software also includes an easy-to-use content editor section where teachers can create their own activities or allow free-build opportunities.
- Five e-learning videos for easy classroom implementation.
- LEGO mini-figure animations to engage students in mathematical problem solving.
How many students do you recommend for each set?
One set contains the building elements needed for two students to complete all of the activities presented in the Curriculum Pack. Half of the 48 lessons are for individual work and half are for work in pairs of two.
How much time does it take to do an activity approximately?
In MoreToMath 1-2 a student worksheet is called a lesson. Each lesson is designed for a typical 45-minute class period with opportunities for differentiation and assessment built in.
What skills are gained using the solution?
MoreToMath 1-2 is a supplement targeted at reinforcing the mathematical practices taken directly from the Common Core State Standards (2010) as they apply to elementary-level learners. Complete descriptions of each practice can be accessed online via the Common Core State Standards Initiative homepage or by using the Common Core application (app).
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Does it support mathematical standards?
Yes, the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack includes 48 lessons built upon the practices of mathematical problem solving as defined by the latest curriculum standards.
Why would I need this in my classroom?
MoreToMath 1-2 is a set of Common Core State Standards supplemental materials designed to specifically enhance student proficiency within the mathematical practices. The focus of the curriculum pack is to provide concrete but challenging problem-solving activities for students using the LEGO brick as the manipulative process through which mathematical exploration takes place. The LEGO brick is the perfect manipulative for the tactile/kinesthetic needs of young learners because the visual and hands-on approach to problem solving presented in the activities helps students creatively see first hand the “how” behind the mathematics involved. By using the familiar LEGO brick and real world challenges the students will feel encouraged and motivated to think, write and speak freely about math.
MoreToMath Core Set 1-2 Questions
Do I sort the tray myself before the lessons?
Sorting the bricks can be done together with students as a warm-up activity in sorting and counting and will, from an educational point of view, greatly benefit the learning situation in the classroom.
Do I put the stickers on the sorting trays or do the students do this?
As it is important that the stickers are put on correctly and precisely, we suggest that the process of applying the stickers is carried out by the teacher.
Can I just use regular LEGO bricks? Why do I have to have the set?
During the development process the number, color, shape and type of bricks were carefully tested and selected to ensure students had enough of the right materials they would need to complete all of the challenges presented in the curriculum pack activities; further each brick serves a purpose and lends itself to the solutions modelling and problem-solving process.
Can LEGO bricks really facilitate high-quality, problem solving activities?
According to research by Carbonneau, 2013, manipulatives used for teaching mathematics need to be “just-right” in perceptual richness in order to be most effective. If the manipulatives being used are too rich in detail and offer too many opportunities for different associations and actions, they will have a tendency to disrupt and disturb learning. Alternatively if they have to too little detail, the manipulatives lose the much appreciated motivational effect. The LEGO bricks chosen for the MoreToMath Core Set enable students to create solutions for math problems using simplistic models, with just the right amount of perceptual richness to inspire learning – while still clearly showing the math in focus through real-world connections.
Nearly every brick in the MoreToMath set was chosen to support math learning. From the color selection, to the shapes, sizes, and number of studs, each brick serves a purpose and lends itself to solutions modeling and the problem-solving process. Even the two Minifigures, Max and Mia, play an important part in the student’s ability to relate to and personalize the task they are solving. Throughout the activities, the students help Max and Mia solve math problems utilizing the duo’s mathnifier; a tool that reminds students that if you look carefully, you can see math in almost everything around you.
MathBuilder Software Questions
Can you use the MathBuilder software on a Mac computer?
Yes, please see the software requirements.
Can you use the MathBuilder software on a Windows computer?
Yes, please see the software requirements.
Can you use the MathBuilder software on a Linux computer?
No, unfortunately not at this point.
Do I need to have an interactive whiteboard?
When used in a teaching situation the MathBuilder can enhance the learning in classrooms. It supplements the physical building and enables the students to show how they think with their hands. This is an option and an extra tool you can use together with the MathBuilder software.
Will I have to pay extra to get the MathBuilder?
No, the MathBuilder interactive whiteboard software is included in the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2 free of charge.
Will I have to pay extra to get assessment tools for MoreToMath?
No, all the assessment tools are integrated into the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2.
Are all the activities from the 48 lessons available in the MathBuilder (software)?
All activities provided in MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2 as student worksheets (lessons), to be printed as handouts, are included in the MathBuilder software. This means that all tasks in the speech bubbles can be displayed and you can build and solve all the tasks in the software on an Interactive Whiteboard in the classroom.
Note that none of the “Purple Brick Challenges” are included as tasks that can be displayed in MathBuilder; these are student specific and meant as an extra task for students who might finish before others. However, they can still be solved and built on the whiteboard. Bricks for each Purple Brick Challenge can be made active by choosing the lesson that the specific Purple Challenge is featured on.
Will you be able to access the Teacher Guide directly from within the software?
Yes, the view all PDF-file of the Teacher’s Guide and intuitive Student Worksheets for 48 lessons are provided along with the verbal and visual overview, the curriculum grid aligning activities to key national standards and objectives, integrated assessment tools, inspiration for differentiation, extension ideas and training videos for teachers are within the software.
Can you create your own activities in the MathBuilder software?
Yes, in MathBuilder it is possible for you as a teacher to create your own activities for extending or complementing the activities provided in the software from the start. You can use this option in your general preparation to extend the learning or for more differentiation. It can be used for either scaffolding students or to enhance one or more specific areas that are crucial for your classroom.
Can you delete the activities from LEGO Education in MathBuilder (Software)?
Yes, you can delete and edit all the activities you as a teacher have create, but the lessons provided with the software from LEGO Education are locked to ensure they are not deleted by accident.
Can you use multi-touch to move the bricks around in the software?
No, as most interactive smartboards on the market only support single touch interaction the software only support this.
Is there going to be an iPad version of the software?
No, not at this point.
Why isn’t this on iPad/tablets? When will it be available on tablets?
The MoreToMath solution is complete with the MathBuilder software, an interactive whiteboard application that allows for technology integration into every lesson. Whiteboards are extremely prevalent in today’s classrooms and this software takes advantage of existing technology bringing math lessons to life for the entire class.
Furthermore, the hands-on work with bricks is essential for the understanding and experience of success with the mathematical problem solving tasks for students this young. The work with the LEGO bricks helps them make abstract math tangible.
However, LEGO Education strives to provide the latest digital learning options for its customers and will continue to evaluate the need for additional technology integration.
Is there a help function built into the software?
Yes, there is a guide built into the software quickly explaining the different screens to can use in the software. Please also refer to the user guide in the Teacher Guide.
How many languages is the software launching with?
13 languages: US, UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, JPN, KO, NL, PTBR, RU, CH, AUS.
MoreToMath Curriculum 1-2 Questions
How many lessons are there?
MoreToMath Core Set 1-2 delivers teaching material for at least 48 mathematical lessons (16 activity sets with 3 lessons each). There are 24 lessons for 1st-grade students and 24 lessons for 2nd-grade students. Each of the 48 lessons focuses on mathematical practices and identifies specific learning targets from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Each lesson is designed for a 45-minute class period.
Can I create my own activities?
Yes, in the MathBuilder software it is possible for you as a teacher to create your own activities for extending or complementing the activities provided in the software from the start. You can use this option in your general preparation to extend the learning or for more differentiation. It can be used to enhance one or more specific areas that are crucial for your classroom.
How are the activities developed?
The activities in the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2 are well developed with the mathematical practices in mind. The Curriculum Grid, the verbal and visual overview of the activities demonstrates which of the practices are addressed within each of the 16 activities and provides an overview of how the activity addresses the practices listed.
How do I plan my lessons?
As mathematical practices can be quite complex, we address them two by two in the activity sets as shown in the Visual overview of activities. In planning lessons for your classes, consider one of two routes through the MoreToMath 1-2 materials:
Organize lessons by MATHEMATICAL FACT CONCEPTS: within each lesson students learn the mathematical practices and content objectives.
Organize lessons by THEMES: within each theme, students learn the mathematical Practices and content objectives. The themes Animals and Insects and Outdoors are for 1st-grade students, while the themes Sports and Food are for 2nd-grade students.
Choosing the route organized by mathematical facts allows for addressing the mathematical practices through activities within the fact area that the students are working with during that period of the school year.
Each activity set consists of material for three lessons of 45-minutes each, including an integrated assessment.
MoreToMath Assessment Questions
Why use Assessment?
Assessment supports learning. Most of the assessment tools and techniques emphasized in the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2 are for formative use. Formative assessment helps you find out how much students have learned. Using these tools with a formative assessment approach shows you what students know and can help you to identify areas that may require you and your students to spend more time. An explicit Summative Assessment tool is included as well.
In addition, you can use the Anecdotal Record Sheet to write either a formative evaluation of the students’ progress or a summative one.
How do you do differentiation with the purple brick tasks?
The Purple Brick Challenges can be used as a performance evaluation; however, you may not wish to have everyone try one each day. In a Purple Brick Challenge, students are asked to solve a problem using the LEGO bricks.
The Purple Brick Challenges can be used for students who finish quickly and need higher-level challenges. If students are working as a team, you can also make these team challenges. You might also use them as a whole-class challenge.
Will I have to pay extra to get assessment tools for MoreToMath?
No, all the assessment tools are integrated into the MoreToMath Curriculum Pack 1-2.