- MoreToMath - Software update
MoreToMath Software Update
For MoreToMath users who are running MathBuilder v1.1 or previous version, there is now a software update (v1.2) available, which has the following improvements:
MathBuilder v1.2 release notes
Changed installer framework on Windows and Mac to ensure the best install experience.
Changed interaction when rotating bricks from long-press to left-click: To improve the experience of interacting with bricks in the builder-environment, a brick is now lifted by simply left clicking (mouse) or tapping (touchscreen) on the brick. It can then be rotated by using the rotate-buttons or moved by clicking/tapping the brick and dragging it to the desired position.
Switching language within the software no longer requires restarting the software.
Content text improvements.
Content graphics improvements.
Note: New users simply have to install the MathBuilder from LEGO Education Resources Online, whereas current users of a previous version of the MathBuilder have to delete these before installing version 1.2. This action will not delete any created lessons or user generated data. A step-by-step guide will be shown in the download process for the customer when downloading v1.2 from LEGO Education Resources Online.