Journey - Troubles on the Road
In this lesson children will explore and understand various traffic signs and be able to solve common problems on the road.


Talk to the children about traffic rules.
Ask questions like:
- Do you know any traffic rules? What are they?
- Why do we need to follow traffic rules?
Tell the children that everybody needs to follow the traffic rules.
Explain that traffic signs are one way of reminding people of the rules.
Show the four traffic signs from the set and ask the children if they can guess what they mean.
Tell them they’re going to play a game!
Place the traffic signs around the classroom and ask the children to pretend they’re each driving their own high-speed train.
Explain that they should slow down or stop when approaching marked areas.
Act as a police officer controlling the flow of traffic, or ask one of the children to do it.

Have each group of children pick a building card and build the model shown.
Have the children work together to build a Y-shaped track and place their models alongside it.
Place the action bricks in random places along the track.
Now experiment with the app.
Put the train on the track and allow the children to explore the different functions of each button.
Let’s start the train!
Have the children take turns using the app to “drive” the train.
What happens after the train passes each action brick?

Talk to the children about the problems they’ve seen in the app.
Ask questions like:
- What did you see after the train passed each stop?
- How will you solve the problem?
- Which traffic sign do you need in order to solve each problem?
Encourage the children to play and to use all of the traffic signs.
Ask if they can think of any other important things to keep in mind in order to stay safe in traffic.
Encourage the children to create their own traffic signs or models to help keep them safe in traffic.
Have them place their creations along the track and explain why they placed them where they did.
Evaluate the children’s skills development by observing if they’re:
- Identifying cause and effect relationships
- Making predictions
- Using strategies and planning in order to solve problems
- Designing and expressing ideas using digital tools and technology
More Ideas
Use this lesson’s format to create lessons for the Passengers and the Four Seasons in the app.
In the Engage phase, talk about the passengers’ accessories and how the seasons should look; explore more interesting destinations with your preschoolers.

Hỗ trợ giáo viên
Children will:
- Understand that the action bricks’ behavior can be changed using the app
- Understand various traffic signs
- Be able to solve common problems on the road
For up to four children
Coding Express set (45025)
Coding Express App
Each lesson has been developed using the science, math and technology guidelines from the National Association for the Education of Young Children
(NAEYC), the 21st Century Early Learning framework (P21) and Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework.
The learning goals listed at the end of each lesson can be used to determine whether or not each child is developing the relevant early math skills. These bullet points target specific skills or pieces of information that are practiced or presented during each lesson.