Primer ciclo Educación Infantil
LEGO® Education
Coding Express by LEGO® Education

Para 6 alumnos
Para 6 alumnos

“Students were so engaged and excited. In fact, I found that students would happily work and solve problems collaboratively for 45 minutes at a time and didn’t want to leave.”
Alicia Carrol, Early Learning teacher, USA
Explore our Lessons
Check out these other standards-aligned LEGO® Education Coding Express lessons for inspiration on how to boost STEAM skills in your classroom.
Unit Plans
Coding Express comes with one curriculum unit of standards-aligned lessons.
A curriculum unit includes:
- 8 lessons of 30-45 minutes each
- 4-6 hours of educational content

LEGO® Education Professional Development
LEGO® Education Professional Development inspires teachers to learn, practice, and master competencies so they can facilitate hands-on, playful STEAM learning with their students. Teachers actively engage in this experiential, personalized professional learning program designed to produce a strong set of transferrable instructional skills and strategies that foster student success.