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LEGO® Education

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime Seti



For 2 students

For 2 students

50+ Hours of Learning
Standards-aligned experiences within the app & ready for class.
Find getting started, classroom activities & technical support.
528 Elements
Including bricks, motors, sensors & hub.
Teacher Training
Free, online self-guided learning to help technical competency & pedagogy.
Coding App
LEGO® Education SPIKE™ App for students included.
Learn & share with other teachers.
Lesson Plans

Standards-aligned Lessons

Our LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime lesson plans are designed to help students develop the abstract and critical thinking skills they need to solve complex problems. The standards-aligned lessons provide a variety of learning experiences that relate directly back to students’ real-life questions and observations, building their confidence and preparing them for life beyond school.


“They’ll have that option to say ‘hey let’s have a go at doing this,’ but it doesn’t neglect the ones who aren’t ready for Python. They can carry on with block coding and that gives everybody the ability to access the robotics and the programming at their own comfortable level!”

Shaun Mitchell, Endon High School on LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime’s Python extension.

Read the full story

Our Favorite Lessons

Check out these other standards-aligned LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime lessons for inspiration on how to boost STEAM skills in your classroom.

Unit Plans

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime comes with 5 different unit plans, each with a unique learning promise, summarizing what your students will learn over the course of the unit.

1. Training Trackers: Construct, analyze, and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships between types of energy.
2. Invention Squad: Apply engineering design skills to each step of the design process.
3. Kickstart a Business: Develop effective problem-solving skills by decomposing problems into smaller parts.
4. Life Hacks: Create clearly named variables and lists representing different data types and perform basic math operations on values.
5. Competition Ready: Learn the basics of building and programming autonomous robots using sensors.
6. Extra Resources: Develop a collection of key skills to use through your STEAM journey.

Professional Development

LEGO® Education Professional Development

LEGO® Education Professional Development inspires teachers to learn, practice, and master competencies so they can facilitate hands-on, playful STEAM learning with their students. Teachers actively engage in this experiential, personalized professional learning program designed to produce a strong set of transferrable instructional skills and strategies that foster student success.


Ready for STEAM Competitions

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime will empower you and your students to take on the world of STEAM competitions. Robotics competitions like FIRST® LEGO® League and World Robot Olympiad offer fun hands-on challenges that get students excited, build confidence, and develop the kind of skills needed for real world success. The SPIKE Prime Expansion set and Competition Ready Unit will have you equipped and ready to take on any challenge in no time!

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